Art & Culture

Jazz in the Pines, Art Alliance of Idyllwild, Idyllwild Arts and other arts and entertainment, theatre, live music and visual arts coverage. The most comprehensive arts and entertainment calendar covering the Idyllwild area.

Genre-bending artist Jonah Tolchin shares his music with Idyllwild

Jonah Tolchin will perform at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 30, in Stephens Recital Hall at Idyllwild Arts Academy. The concert is free and open...

‘Fire & Ice’ art exhibit this Saturday

Middle Ridge Winery Tasting Gallery is once again introducing a new art exhibit in its 4,000-square-foot gallery. “The Idyllwild Collection: Fire & Ice” exhibit...

International Lilac Society to visit Idyllwild

Annual lilac festival and Victorian Tea will not continue Idyllwild became a lilac tourism destination during the years that the late lilac hybridizer Reva Ballreich...

Idyllwild’s business profile changes often

The ledger of Idyllwild businesses changes often. Off-Hill visitors come to the Hill, fall in love with the village shopping district and decide to...

The Art Alliance of Idyllwild Imagery of Words event

The Art Alliance of Idyllwild will sponsor The Imagery of Words from 5 to 8:30 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 20, at Town Hall. The event...

Markus Thorington receives honor in international film competition

Sam Markus and Jen Thorington of Idyllwild rang in the New Year with sights and sound reminiscent of Great Britain’s music scene nearly 40...

Hollis Fulmor, born to sing, chose to serve

Many have heard Idyllwild resident Hollis Fulmor sing — in local churches, theater companies and musical-comedy vignettes. She has one of those extraordinarily rich...

Courtyard Gallery co-op in limbo

According to an email from Evan Mills, owner of the building in which the Courtyard Gallery is housed, the longstanding gallery co-op is in...

Spotlight on Leadership features Bruce Ryan

Leading Hollywood set designer and longtime IA Board of Governors trustee Idyllwild Arts Academy continues its Spotlight on Leadership series from January through May 2018....

Bob and Adele Smith leave the Hill

Bob and Adele Smith, 17-year residents of Idyllwild, are leaving the Hill for health reasons, moving to The Village in Hemet from their Alpen...