Mayor Max with the Town Crier’s political reporter Monk. Photo by Marshall Smith

By Monk


Editor’s note: Mayor Max visited the Town Crier Thursday, Aug. 30. Our special political reporter Monk interviewed his honor while he toured the office.

Following his July inauguration and an unexpected medical situation, the Mayor is truly enjoying his office. According to his Chief of Staff Phyllis Mueller, the Mayor was very glad when he learned about his election.

He has pondered his situation and views it as a unique opportunity to help ARF and the Hill. During his term, he hopes to meet as many two- and four-legged constituents as possible.

The Mayor has visited many local events, such as the Summer Concert Series, the Harmony dedication and Saturday’s Opt-to-Adopt at the Idyllwild Nature Center.

One of his favorite visits was with the Forest Folk bunch. Apparently, they were very generous with their food, according to Max.

But he has also traveled beyond Idyllwild to expound and bark about its special location and beauty. The ride to San Francisco was pretty long and they have a lot more cars and noisy places there than Idyllwild, Max said, but good food.

One of the first questions his staff addressed was “What does the community need and want?” Mueller said. Finding an answer lead Max to the Idyllwild Chamber of Commerce and the Rotary.

Max says, with the help of staff, he is writing a column for the monthly ARF newsletter. It’s titled, “Mayor Max Muses.”

In the August edition, he tried to dispel the myth that ARF had sufficient funds and contributions for this year’s operations. The election raised more than $31,000, but more is needed to achieve ARF’s $65,000 goal.

“The amount we fundraised doesn’t even scratch the surface of what’s actually needed to help animals on the Hill, much less off the Hill,” Max wrote.

Besides money, Max stressed that volunteers are needed to work in the ARF facility and to provide foster homes for the cats and dogs, which are rescued. This request was mailed last week to all local constituents, with a refrigerator magnet included.

The Mayor and his devoted staff are devising ways to help more people learn about Idyllwild and then to come here for a visit or vacation.

In addition to his favorite charity, ARF, Mayor Max has contributed to several other local endeavors since taking office. In this way, he demonstrates his gratitude and connection throughout the community, he barked.

The Mayor can be reached at [email protected].

Monk can be reached at [email protected].