Extended hours for tax mailing in San Bernardino

The last day to file 2012 federal and state income tax forms without requesting an extension is Monday, April 15, 2013. The U.S. Postal Service encourages tax filers to plan well in advance of the deadline.

In the Inland Empire, only the San Bernardino Processing and Distribution Center will be extending retail service on April 15. All other post office (including Idyllwild) retail lobbies in the San Bernardino area will adhere to their normal hours of service, and collection boxes and post office lobby drops will be collected at their regular posted times on April 15.

All mail deposited at the drive-through collection boxes at the San Bernardino P&DC prior to 10 p.m. will receive an April 15 postmark. Retail services will be available until 10 p.m. at the San Bernardino facility, which is located at 1900 W. Redlands Blvd.

Retail hours for individual post offices are listed online at usps.com, or are available by calling 1-800-ASK-USPS (1-800-275-8777).

To help ensure a successful tax season for customers, the U.S. Postal Service offers the following tax mailing tips:

  • If you wait until April 15 to mail your income tax returns, be sure to verify pick-up times posted on collection boxes to ensure your envelopes are collected and postmarked on time.
  • Apply the proper amount of postage, especially with extra forms and schedules. The first ounce (about three sheets of paper) for a letter-sized envelope is 46 cents, and 20 cents for each additional ounce.
  • Make sure your envelope has the proper IRS or FTB address and ZIP Code.
  • Print your complete return address in the upper left corner of your tax mail envelope.
  • Customers who want proof their tax form has been mailed and received should use Certified Mail/Return Receipt service available at your local post office retail counter.

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