
Creature Corner: September 29, 2016

Last week in The Days of Our Nine Lives, the ARF dogs and cats welcomed two new adult cats to the cattery.

King Kitty
King Kitty

King Kitty: (hollering to the cats from the office) I have news!


Leia: Don’t make us wait.  Spit it out!

King Kitty: Steve the dog got adopted on Saturday.

Girlie Girl: What a lucky puppy. Hope my day is coming soon.

Bobbie:  Girlie, we’re all waiting for our adoption day.

Traveler: It’s comin’, I know it is.

Girlie Girl
Girlie Girl


Leia: There will be cat lovers in the ARF House this Saturday, so maybe we’ll get lucky.

Traveler: Why do you say that, Leia?

Leia: There’s going to be a “Cats 101” class that will help humans understand us better.

George: What’s to understand? We’re awesome!


Bobbie:  Some more than others…

Leia: George, some of us felines have, uh, shall we say “litter box problems”?

Traveler: And so this class is going to teach the humans how to help cats who have this problem?

Girlie Girl:  So glad I don’t have to do my business in a box.

Binky: Well, I don’t have any trouble with the litter box.


George: Me neither!

Leia: Okay, okay! We ARF cats are pretty darned good in the potty department, but not all cats are.

King Kitty: What’s really good is when these cat lovers come to the ARF House, I’ll be in the office to greet them.  They’ll fall in love with me, I’m pretty certain.

Binky: And I’ll do my best to lure them into the cattery.

George: And we’ll zap ’em with our charm.


Bobbie: Dream on, George.  They’ll be too fascinated with me to notice you.

Will “Cats 101” be the answer to the cats’ adoption dreams? Be sure to keep up with the animal antics of Days of our Nine Lives each week.  And please stop in to say hello to the entire adoptable cast at the ARF House, 26890 Hwy 243 on Saturdays 10-4 and Sundays 10-2, or by appointment M – F by calling  951-659-1122.  Check us out online at: www.IdyllwildArf.com.









Creature Corner is Sponsored in Loving Memory of Felix.

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