Mountain lion kills family pet
Photo courtesy Tony Garlock
Tragedy struck a Pine Cove family last week. Me-Me, the family Chihuahua, was in the backyard about 7 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 2, when her family heard her barking and crying.
Rushing out, Tony Garlock and his daughter, Rosa, saw a mountain lion standing in the yard over Me-Me.
The lion ran away, while Garlock quickly ran and picked up the dog. Their neighbor arrived on the scene and offered to drive Garlock to the Banning animal hospital. He quickly accepted.
Rosa, crying, asked if she could come, too. They agreed and the three raced off with Rosa holding Me-Me.
But when they arrived at the hospital, it was already too late to help Me-Me, according to the veterinarian. She had died in Rosa’s arms during the trip.
Me-Me was 7 years old and the mother figure in the family, Garlock said. “She was very special to us and cared for Rosa,” he added.
This week, they buried the beloved pet, Me-Me, who joined this family on Christmas several years ago.
They are new to the Hill and Rosa attends Idyllwild Middle School. She has been devastated with the loss of her dog. “It’s a family member,” Garlock agreed, “and has really upset Rosa. I’ve never seen her this upset.”
Garlock has been sufficiently worried that he felt it would be beneficial for the school counselor to help.
Despite the personal tragedy, he wants to alert his neighbors in Pine Cove and others living on the Hill of the dangers outside during the night.
I’m so sorry to hear about your sweet Me-Me. Life can be so hard, espec when you’re young. I’m sure Me-Me would want you to (when you’re ready) share your heart and home with another lucky pet. You can’t ‘replace’ her but you’ll always remember her. God bless you sweet girl.
Thank you so much.
It’s been a year ago now since Me-Me was killed, and I’m happy to say Rosa has a new dog named Luck, and they love one another very much.
“Lucky”, not luck……sorry