Pine Cove homeowners bestow gifts on community

At its July 1 meeting, the Pine Cove Property Owners Association made donations to several local groups to assist with their projects. Recipients and board members were, from left: Ryan Mileur, representing Pine Cove Fire Station 23; Theresa Teel, president of Soroptimists International of Idyllwild; Bill Tell, Mile High Radio Club; Annamarie Padula, PCPOA treasurer; Mike Feyder, Mountain Disaster Preparedness; Shannon Ng, Idyllwild Library for assistance with a 3D printer; Dave Fraser, American Legion Post 800 to help defray the cost of a new roof; Marsha Kennedy, Idyllwild Snow Group; Marlene Pierce, PCPOA president; Carolyn Levitski, PCPOA secretary; and Barbara Jones, PCPOA board. Photo by Tom Kluzak

At its July monthly meeting, the Pine Cove Property Owners Association announced its annual donations to local nonprofit groups.

The single largest gift was $3,000 to the Idyllwild Library for the purchase of a 3-dimensional printer. This was the largest award in the past three years.

“This year, we are especially pleased to assist the Idyllwild Library and Shannon Ng and her staff, in recognition of the excellent work they do for students and our community,” wrote Marlene Pierce, president of PCPOA, in an email.

Two organizations — the Idyllwild HELP Center and Mountain Disaster Preparedness — were recognized again for their contributions to the Hill and the Pine Cove neighborhood.

The Idyllwild HELP Center received $1,500. The money will benefit Pine Cove families who need assistance from the HELP Center for heating and also will for the annual Angel Tree at Christmas.

Mike Feyder, MDP president, accepted a $1,000 check for his organization to purchase new radios.

Four $500 gifts were awarded. The American Legion Post 800 received a $500 check for its roof fund. Bill Tell, president of the Mile High Radio Club, a frequent beneficiary of the PCPOA, also accepted a $500 check. The Soroptimist International of Idyllwild was given $500 for its annual Tree Lighting Ceremony.

The fourth will assist the county’s plans to improve and augment the landscaping around Fire Station 23 (Pine Cove). Pierce added that local lilac expert and enthusiast Gary Parton “has generously offered to donate several lilac bushes to enhance their efforts.”

Other gifts ranged from $150 to $200. See the accompanying list for the complete list of awards.

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