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Readers Write: JP misleads voters


JP’s article on Sept. 20, about Joy Silver and Jeff Stone campaigning to be our next state senator to represent the Hill surprised me. He misleads voters by citing one candidate’s own biased, campaign committee paid polling group as proof the opponent is “trailing.”

Valid and reliable polling must meet three criterion: 1) large base (400 of 442,000 voters is less than one-tenth percent — pitifully small); 2) diverse (JP doesn’t know — maybe only one gated La Quinta community; 3) fair and impartial — JP cites, “… voters were given information about the records of both …”

I emailed  Lewis Consulting Group, specializing in “campaign strategies,” named for former Republican state Sen. John Lewis, last Thursday, asking what information was given. Still no reply. Well, out the door goes fairness and impartiality.

Harris Kight-Moore

Fern Valley

Editor’s note: The story included the only poll we know of that was taken on this race.

  (Editor’s note: As always, the views of our columnists and letter writers are not necessarily the views of the Town Crier editors. The Town Crier welcomes views from all writers, including those in letters to the editor.)

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