Paint with Jen Hajj at the library

At 10:30 am Wednesday, July 3, Jen Hajj will show how abstract art can be created by using acrylics to create paintings. As Jen puts it, “One can create beautiful and interesting paintings by letting the pigment run amok.”
Jen came to Idyllwild five years ago and started volunteering at the school and library. One of her many passions is handling live birds such as eagles, hawks and owls, which she took around to the schools.
She also organized the Bird Festival in San Diego, the largest on the West Coast.
Many may know her as a folk singer who performs at Higher Grounds and Café Aroma, or a travel consultant with Holbrook Travels, which caters to natural history and eco tours for small groups. She enjoys doing things that are “kooky or different.”
She became intrigued with acrylic painting when viewing a YouTube on acrylic paint pouring. This technique is one where the components in the paints interact in different ways.
As Hajj put it, “The components don’t like each other and will create all kinds of strange bubbles and designs on the paper.” She believes in providing activities that promote creativity and discovery of the chemical reaction of the paints.
This is the third of the family STEAM events presented by the Idyllwild Library this summer.
STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics. It is a national educational initiative designed to teach how all things are related to each other by integrating experiences in everyday life.
Susan Righetti, Idyllwild Library assistant librarian, who oversees the library’s Education Programs, validates STEAM. “Having STEAM education in the library is a neutral space where students are not being graded like school. The library can focus on what most interests children and adults. It also fosters creativity, curiosity and a community of tinkerers.”
One more STEAM program is left in the series on July 10. All the programs are free and appropriate for all ages