Businesses in and around our Hill — and that includes Hemet, Beaumont-Banning and the Coachella Valley desert communities — are invited to join with Town Crier members and readers in helping keep a real newspaper serving our community.
That’s important for you, too, because there’s no better way to reach members of our community with your products and services than to advertise in the publication Hill residents read: the Idyllwild Town Crier.
Remember that because we are a weekly newspaper, our readers keep and read their papers until a new issue comes out. This means that in the Town Crier — unlike advertising in a daily newspaper — you get a week’s worth of advertising for the price of a single ad.
All the roads on and off our Hill are open. So now, Hill residents have many options. Whether off or on the Hill, make your business their best option. Contact Lisa in Town Crier advertising at 951-659-2145.