Art & Culture

Jazz in the Pines, Art Alliance of Idyllwild, Idyllwild Arts and other arts and entertainment, theatre, live music and visual arts coverage. The most comprehensive arts and entertainment calendar covering the Idyllwild area.

IAA sophomore Alex Bishop wins national poetry award: She is next speaker at Idy...

Idyllwild Arts Academy sophomore Alex Bishop, creative writing major, is the next speaker at the academy-sponsored Idy Talks. The series is part of IAA’s...

American impressionist Robert Ferguson opens studio in Pinyon Pines: ‘My paintings are windows into...

Robert Ferguson is a contemporary impressionist painter in the mode of Claude Monet, Edgar Degas and Paul Cézanne. He is opening a studio in...

IAA senior among 10 percent admitted to Swarthmore

There is a shared anxiety for high school seniors as they wait to hear whether they’re been admitted to the college or colleges of...

Film fest planners hope to escape snow shadow with new dates

The ninth Idyllwild International Festival Cinema is in the early stages of planning, and although it is only three months since patrons left the...

Easter comes early; could be a chilly one

Easter Sunday comes early this year, on April 16. For those attending the sunrise service at Inspiration Point, it could be chilly. The service,...

‘The Story of John Newton’ featured at Library on April 12

The Friends of the Idyllwild Library would like to welcome all interested members of the community to the final presentation delivered by Idyllwild resident...

PHOTOS: Music, birds and spring in the air

The Idyllwild Master Chorale presented “Nocturnes” Saturday evening, April 1, at the Idyllwild Arts’ Lowman Concert Hall. Dwight Holmes conducted the chorale, which was accompanied by Edwin Hansen. The first piece was Franz Joseph Haydn’s “Missa Brevis Sancti Joannis de Deo.” Later, they put music to poems from a variety of authors.

Idyllwild Arts music chair expands department curriculum

Chris Reba is in his second year as chair of the Idyllwild Arts Academy Music Department and is already expanding curricula offerings to better...