Opinion: Letters to the editor

I always go to my favorite part of the first, Students of the Month. Here we see no rancor, just smiling kids and...

Opinion: Letters to the editor

First, I want to thank the paper for setting out these rules or guidelines so that all of us can see the policy of...

Opinion: Genetically modified corn

It’s hard to imagine the nutrition-savvy people of Idyllwild buying fresh corn at Wal Mart, but just in case you thought you might—Don’t! This...

Opinion: Label genetically modified food

As a follow-up to the Idyllwild Conversation group’s activities regarding food sources, production and distribution in the area, our group has allied itself with...

Opinion: Small communities

Only in Idyllwild. Take a look at other smaller communities throughout the State (about 5,000). Almost all of them have one fire chief for...

Opinion: Smart meters lower costs, not bills

I am mystified why no one is squawking about their higher electric bills. I see Edison (SCE) is charging $0.18 cents per kilowatt hour...

Opinion: Senior housing

Isn’t it time we had some senior housing right here in Idyllwild? Over the last 10 years alone, we’ve seen friends who are longtime,...

Opinion: Listen to the voters

You added “Capparelli’s reappointment to the commission was done during a public meeting” to my last letter. It was a public meeting, but...

Opinion: The emperor’s new clothes

IFPD does not deserve a rate increase and Riverside County Fire should take over IFPD. In fact CAL FIRE should be granted the $150...

Opinion: Drivers be careful

To the driver of the white Nissan Armada that failed to stop at the base of your driveway before pulling out onto Highway 74. You...