‘The Story of John Newton’ featured at Library on April 12

The Friends of the Idyllwild Library would like to welcome all interested members of the community to the final presentation delivered by Idyllwild resident...

PHOTOS: Music, birds and spring in the air

The Idyllwild Master Chorale presented “Nocturnes” Saturday evening, April 1, at the Idyllwild Arts’ Lowman Concert Hall. Dwight Holmes conducted the chorale, which was accompanied by Edwin Hansen. The first piece was Franz Joseph Haydn’s “Missa Brevis Sancti Joannis de Deo.” Later, they put music to poems from a variety of authors.

Idyllwild Arts music chair expands department curriculum

Chris Reba is in his second year as chair of the Idyllwild Arts Academy Music Department and is already expanding curricula offerings to better...

JPL science educator Tom Nolan speaks at AstroCamp

Tom Nolan, Jet Propulsion Laboratory scientist, is a frequent presenter as part of the laboratory’s speakers’ bureau. He is a lively and entertaining speaker who has learned from many presentations to K-12 students, as well as family and public talks, how to make science fascinating and easy to understand. “Bringing the ‘Wow! I didn’t know that!’ of NASA Earth and Space Science to both formal and informal education is my passion,” said Nolan.

The world inside a frame: ‘It’s all light,’ says photographer Jenny Kirchner

Photographer Jenny Kirchner sees the world through two different lenses — one that frames and captures a moment of beauty and another that frames...

Idyllwild Master Chorale presents an evening of nocturnes

By definition, nocturnes are pensive, dreamy and appropriate to the night or evening. The Idyllwild Master Chorale presents a gently evocative evening graced with...

American Legion Post 800 honors Vietnam Vets

The American Legion Post 800 in Idyllwild hosts its annual “Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day” with food, boom-box music of the era and happy-hour...

Idyllwild Earth Fair on the way back

After two years, Earth Fair is preparing to emerge from “hibernation,” according to head Holly Owens. The Idyllwild Earth Fair Committee has been talking...