Idyllwild Library centennial bookmark contest winners

In an effort to tie in the entire community to activities celebrating the centennial of the Idyllwild Library, the students at Idyllwild...

Marsha Kennedy intertwines history in new book

History is something we all learn in school. We read books, watch movies and we are taught about world events that occurred...

Providing a sense of home

Georgie Smith (right) and A Sense of Home volunteers make three deliveries while social distancing last Thursday. Photos courtesy of Georgie Smith

Art Alliance of Idyllwild offers free art kits to local children

Art kits that will be distributed by the Art Alliance of Idyllwild in front of the Idyllwild Post Office from 1-4...

Kathy Harmon-Luber wins poetry award

Kathy Harmon-Luber has called Idyllwild home since 2003. Harmon-Luber is an artist in many forms including sketching and painting. She is also...

Children’s art and a short story

The Town Crier asked families to share the creative projects they’d been working on while staying home. Here are some of the...

AAI donates art supplies to Idyllwild HELP Center

For years, the Art Alliance of Idyllwild (AAI) has been providing the community with a place for all artists to share their...

Idyllwild restaurants struggling

With the COVID-19 Stay-at-Home order in place for an unknown amount of time, Idyllwild restaurant owners are trying to keep their businesses...

Locals dust off sewing machines to keep the community safe

With so much negativity going on right now, there is some positive news in our community. Volunteers have dusted off their sewing...

Local businesses get creative and step outside the box

The Covid-19 Survival Box at the Candy Cupboard. Photo by Jennifer Mckee Idyllwild has always been a...