Mixed results in first court battle over fire fee

Plaintiffs contesting the 2011 State Regulation Area Fire Fee convinced a Sacramento Superior Court judge that their case merited treatment as a class action....

Stone among three seeking state Senate

Riverside County Third District Supervisor Jeff Stone announced his candidacy for the new 28th state Senate district. This will be the first election for...

Riverside County Supervisors want more transparency

Last month, the Riverside County Board of Supervisor’s took action to improve the transparency of its meetings’ agenda. For example, no longer will items be...

West Nile Virus now in San Jacinto

A 60-year-old woman is the first confirmed human case of West Nile Virus in Riverside County this year, said Dr. Cameron Kaiser, Riverside County...

Help with new health options

Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced $21,931,657 in grant awards to 129 California health centers operating 1,221 sites to enroll the uninsured...

Gilman Springs Road project

A road project to make Gilman Springs Road safer for motorists began July 22, the first phase of a five-phase job costing $17.5 to...

Services reduced for traffic cases

Due to several consecutive years of state budget reductions, the Riverside Superior Court is reducing services to the public. Effective immediately, the court will...

Wildfire control campaign

The U.S. Forest Service and other land management agencies have a new fire safety campaign in California. The One Less Spark, One Less Wildfire...

Composting needs volunteers

The Riverside County Waste Management Department is seeking volunteers to work with the Riverside County Backyard Composting Program. Volunteer master composters attend a training...

EMS study forecasts growing demand

The contractor evaluating Riverside County’s emergency medical system is constructing several options for the county’s consideration before a new ambulance contract request is completed...