Opinion: Free speech, wonderful

I’m writing regarding Conor O’Farrell’s columns that the Town Crier has been publishing these past several months.

While I may not always entirely agree with all Mr. O’Farrell’s ideas, most of them I do support and I am happy to read a local paper that is willing to print his (liberal) views.

But perhaps even more than what Mr. O’Farrell writes, per se, I’ve come to enjoy the lively, even heated, back and forth letters to the editor that his column is generating.

That the Town Crier is willing to be a forum for strong opinions and divergent ideas — politically, socially, even religiously — is a sign to me that we are all still alive and thriving as a nation.

While I can’t bear to read some of the ideas that others express, I must believe in the discussion itself. Long live the messiness of democracy.

Lorel Cornman

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