IFPD looking into ambulance and water tender buys: Current budget balanced, surplus expected

The Idyllwild Fire Protection District Finance Committee will begin investigating the possibility of consolidating existing debt and new loans for acquiring new ambulances and...

First day of school is Aug. 11

The first day of the school for the 2014-15 year is Monday, Aug. 11, and Idyllwild School Principal Matt Kraemer is welcoming new and...

Hill receives much needed rain

Rain drenched parts of the Hill this weekend, and while it was far from sufficient to eliminate the drought, it will help. The U.S. Forest...

Two injured in Monday afternoon crash

According to CHP Officer Mike Murawski, two males in their 20s were critically injured after losing control of their Honda Civic while traveling at high speeds...

To alter Idyllwild historic property

The application for an alteration to a designated historic property under the purview of the Idyllwild Historic Preservation District’s Local Review Board is available...

Supervisors intend to continue community grants

The Riverside County Board of Supervisors submitted a 22-page response with attachments to the county grand jury’s May report critical of the board’s awarding Community Improvement Designation funds to local nonprofits.

Two small lightning fires near Idyllwild

The U.S. Forest Service has posted the following information regarding the ignition of two small lightning fires in the San Jacinto Ranger District Saturday,...

Clubs: Brix at garden club and church potluck

The Idyllwild Garden Club is pleased to invite the public to a presentation by Edith Brix on Tuesday, Aug. 5. Brix will give one...

PHOTO: MDP’s ‘boots on the ground’ exercise

Mountain Disaster Preparedness conducted a four-hour “boots on the ground” exercise on Saturday. Here at the Town Hall Disaster Assistance Station, acting group commander Ian Schoenleber (standing center, back to camera) discusses the scenario with fellow team members.