Obituary: Kelly Lee Riddle

Kelly Lee Riddle of Idyllwild died on Thursday, April 8, 2010.

Kelly was born in Long Beach to Mike and Lorrie Riddle on Aug. 23, 1957.

He is survived by his parents; his companion in life, Jody Daniels; son Nathan Riddle; wife Andrea of Lake Havasu City; daughter Keyerra of Palm Desert; and, brother Patrick of Coarse Gold, Calif.

Kelly’s journey on life’s path took him many places: California, Texas, Hawaii and to his home in Idyllwild.

Kelly was a master carpenter and worker in wood. A forest lover and activist, an artist combining sticks, stones and bits of things left behind into assemblages of natures beauty. He leaves a legacy of his craft and the sweat and soul put into assisting with the Idyllwild Monument and stabilization of Arizona’s Swansea Ghost Town site.

Life experience gave him knowledge and insights, painfully learned, that he used to counsel others and to offer a hand and a hand up.

A memorial service will be held 10 a.m. Saturday April, 17 at St. Hugh’s Episcopal Church, 25525 Tahquitz Drive, Idyllwild, followed by a gathering at the Idyllwild Nature Center from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. to tell stories and celebrate this remarkable life. In a quote from Jimmy Buffet “some of it tragic, some of it magic, but all in all a pretty good life.”

Donations to help the family with expenses may be made at any Compass Bank or locally at the branch, 54335 Ridgeview Drive, Idyllwild, CA 92549. Make checks payable or cash donations to Michael Riddle.

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