Board vacancy at Pine Cove Water District

Pine Cove Water District announced the resignation of Director Dan Frandrich, who has moved out of state. That sets up a vacancy on the board. District Secretary Becky Smith said she had contacted the Riverside County Registrar of Voters to post the vacancy and comply with applicable regulations for holding an election.

If interested in serving on the water board, submit an application at the district office by Aug. 9.

In his general manager’s report, Jerry Holldber wrote that June 2012 production totals are 200,000 gallons above same month last year and 200,000 below June 2010. Static measuring well number 10 is down 2 feet, and holding relatively well according to Holldber. He noted the crew would be going out to listen for leaks to help explain a fairly large 15 percent water loss. “We will follow up on it,” said Holldber. “If we have to we’ll have American Leak Detection come out.”

Holldber also reported the weather station camera is now up and running and that interested constituents can check it out on the district website at

In other business, Holldber noted Stonewood Community is now only interested in an emergency intertie, not connecting with the district system.

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