Cell phone photography workshop

Ticket sales and attendance held steady Straight-ahead and cutting-edge jazz held center stage at the Idyllwild 2017 Jazz in the Pines festival. Each of the three venues offered new acts and interesting arrangements and sounds. And, according to John Newman, Idyllwild Arts Foundation director of business operations, ticket sales and attendance were remarkably consistent with…
Parks Exhibition Center’s summer gallery season dazzles Parks Exhibition Center, a focal point of the Idyllwild Arts campus, will bring the attention of visitors on a startling range of visual artists this summer gallery season from June 10 to Aug. 3. Since a number of the artists will teach in this year’s Idyllwild Arts Summer…
Idyllwild’s traditional Pumpkin Carnival and Parade will begin at 4 p.m. at Fern Valley Corners …
By Wendy Watts Special to the Town Crier Saturday, Sept. 5, marks Idyllwild’s first year commemorating National Cheese Pizza Day because, really, why not? This could just be a good excuse to just say, “Let’s just go out for pizza.” Pizza as we know it today has taken on many forms and several incarnations throughout…
The popular and longstanding Idyllwild Community Center Speaker Series has a new producing partner. The Idyllwild Arts Academy will work with ICC to present this year’s series, focusing on the career paths and goals of Idyllwild Arts seniors. Eduardo Santiago, Idyllwild author and founder of the summer Idyllwild Author Series, is the academy’s Art in…
Three students perform during Idyllwild Arts’ Student Chamber Music Recital at Stephens Recital Hall on Friday, Aug. 19.