Dr. Tom: Character and beliefs …

Two interesting things happened last week — besides the other really interesting thing that I’m not going to talk about (much) — both of...

Dr. Tom: Healthcare update…

Imagine developing a serious illness, seeking medical care, presenting your Medicare card and receiving it without denials or appeals or copays or deductibles. When...

Dr. Tom: Civil discourse …

I began to write this column because I learned that one-third of U.S. citizens didn’t realize that the Affordable Care Act was the same...

Dr. Tom: The business case for a single-payer system …

Imagine that you run a U.S. small business. You have long-term employees to whom you are loyal and vice versa. You have an anniversary...

Dr. Tom: Lions and tigers and socialized medicine. Oh, my! …

By Thomas R. Kluzak, M.D. Whipping up fear, to which we respond in a visceral often irrational way, is a favorite tactic of politicians, and...

Dr. Tom: Globalism vs. Nationalism …

The visit to Idyllwild by seven Rotarians from South Africa and Botswana last week was a great experience for all. Imagine hearing lions in...

Dr. Tom: Pedal away…

I have learned a lot about electric bicycles lately since I have been wrestling with my insurance company, trying to convince them that my...

Dr. Tom: The fate of our healthcare dollars, now and in the future …

Medical care in the U.S. is so much more expensive than every other country. How can we fix that? A dollar in U.S. medical...

Dr. Tom: A reluctant response…

I have strong beliefs, as many of you do. My goal in writing this column was to encourage cogitation, not create controversy, but, of...

Dr. Tom: Gratitude …

It is difficult to adequately express my gratitude to the firefighters and other first responders who saved our home from the Cranston Fire. Since...