Journal from the James: What good is a dead tree? …

With the drought persisting in our area, a lot of concern, and rightfully so, has arisen regarding the loss of many of our trees....

Journal From the James: Oasis de los Osos, our desert sister site …

Many of our readers are familiar with the James Reserve from our writings and public talks. However, few know that the James officially consists...

Journal from the James: El Niño, El Niño …

By James Reserve Assistant Director John Laundré We have heard a lot this past several months about El Niño — about how it is or...

Journal From the James: Winter has arrived on the mountain …

With the abundant snow that has fallen in Idyllwild, an appropriate topic for this month’s contribution from the James Reserve is winter. Even though...

Journal from the James: More of what’s wild in Idyllwild: Crows & ravens …

For those of you who remember the “Journal from the James” article on bobcats, I had mentioned I would follow with more periodic articles...

Journal from the James: Solving the mystery of the bird family tree …

Greetings and best holiday wishes from the James Reserve. In our last column, John gave you a peek into the world of mountain lions....

Journal from the James: The James Reserve …

By Director Jennifer Gee & Assistant Director John Laundré Idyllwild is set in an ecologically fascinating area. It is a mountain island surrounded by a desert...