Tax Tips: Beware of tax traps

Our tax code is extremely complex with rules and regulations that can often catch a taxpayer by surprise. There is nothing sadder than informing...

Tax Tips: Countdown to tax time

About this time of year, we begin to collect all the information we will need to properly file our income tax returns. Since it’s...

Tax Tips: Bogus IRS harassing calls

There has been a plague of phone calls by fraud artists posing as IRS employees and demanding money. Between 9,000 and 12,000 complaints about...

Tax Tips: IRS budget and service cuts

The IRS is coming to grips with a $346 million budget reduction including enforcement cuts of $160 million. I wonder if it is due...

TAX TIPS: Common tax myths

As our tax law becomes ever more complex, misconceptions regarding the law and its interpretation increase. Many people think that by filing an extension they...

Tax Tips: Obamacare hits tax returns …

The Obamacare mandates become effective on our 2014 tax returns. The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) requires that you have health coverage that meets the law’s...

Tax Tips: Tax myths

In an 1939 BBC broadcast, Winston Churchill called Russia “a riddle wrapped in mystery inside an enigma.” This would also be an apt description...

Tax Tips: New American Taxpayer Relief Act

After months of wrangling, Congress passed the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 on Jan. 1, 2013, ending months of “Y2K” style handwringing by...

Tax Tips: Trusts and taxes

Trusts have become extremely popular in recent years. The most popular type is the intervivos or living trust which is used to control the...

Tax Tips: Tax myths

With the tax code approaching the size of the Encyclopedia Britannica, it’s little wonder there are many misconceptions and erroneous beliefs regarding tax regulations. Many...