Exercise — good for health and good for hikers …

Exercise: Keep it social Want to get the best benefits out of your fitness routine, whether it be in the gym or outside on the...

Before Our Time: The post office, a multi-tasking service …

The post office has long been a favorite spot for locals to see friends, spread information and gossip, and hold impromptu conferences. A 1922 photo...

Readers write: Disputing Brown Act claim …

Editor: The Brown act states: “The people of this State do not yield their sovereignty to the agencies which serve them. The people, in delegating...

From Idyllwild: Alexae Visel

“… I leave this stage tonight even more optimistic about this country than I was when we started… This generation coming up – unselfish,...

Readers Write: To Idyllwild citizens

Editor: About a week ago, I called Mike Freitas of the Idyllwild Water District board to ask if he could meet for a cup of...

Before Our Time: By Robert B. Smith

With Avery Field’s photography, others saw Idyllwild … Picture postcards are an ever-popular item in scenic areas such as Idyllwild. We certainly have had our...

Readers write: Finding future water sources

Editor: I must say I am left a bit confused by a couple of articles in last week’s paper. The water districts appear to be...

Readers Write: September 29, 2016: re: Time for just one water district

re: Time for just one water district Editor: Like I said months ago, time for one water district. Let’s combine the knowledge of three water districts...

Fashion Jack: Teeth & undershorts …

By Jack Clark Fashion Advisor Q. I’m 71. I had a tooth pulled, and I need a bridge or an implant. Which is more fashionable? –Elwood, Hemet ...

Readers Write: Let’s get some things straight

Dr. Martin Luther King would be very disappointed about the latest riots in Milwaukee. We’re going back in understanding and helping each other. Who are...