Readers Write: To all dog owners …

Editor: … who think that bagging your dog’s poop then leaving it on the side of the hiking trail is OK: No. It’s not OK....

Readers Write: Re: Who wins?

Editor: The championship sporting events listed have changed over the decades. The 1903 World Series had eight games. Before the Super Bowl, there were championship...

Creature Corner: April 27, 2017

Last week in “Days of Our Nine Lives,” the cats welcomed two new cats and two new dogs. Bobbie: I’ll tell ya, dogs are flying...

Winter is coming …

By Marsha Kennedy Idyllwild Snow Group The winter of 2016-17 brought an onslaught of snow-play visitors such as the Hill has seldom seen before, but is...

Past Tense: April 27, 2017

50 years ago – 1967 County supervisors approved a request from the Idyllwild Chamber of Commerce for the relocation of butane space heaters at Town...

Dr. Tom: A Brief History of the U.S. Government and Healthcare, Part II …

While everyone would agree that the passage of Medicare in 1965 was a landmark event in not only American healthcare but also American politics,...

Readers Write: Enjoyed the story on Dr. Tom

Editor: I just saw the lovely write-up of Dr. Tom Kluzak’s talk on April 8 in Idyllwild and wanted to congratulate him on a successful...

Readers Write: Healthcare savings

Editor: I like Dr. Tom’s ideas on Medicare-for-All. I recognize the benefits and cost savings — if everyone, in fact, pays (just like Medicare). The...

Readers Write: Not in our neighborhood

Editor: Many of us in Idyllwild are concerned about the snow visitors from off the Hill. I am president of the Big Cedar Glen Property...

Readers Write: Against snow play at the Nature Center

Editor: Regarding the article about steering snow play visitors to the Nature Center with signs: We are residents of Idyllwild whose home backs up to the...