Readers Write: Clarification on snow-play story

Editor: I appreciate you coming out to the meeting and for furthering the awareness of what our Snow Group has worked on and is considering. There...

Readers Write: Disappointment at the dog park

Editor: My husband and I live in Mountain Center and come to Idyllwild a couple times a month. We usually have our two medium-sized dogs...

Past Tense: April 20, 2017

55 years ago - 1962 Foster Lake opened for trout fishing. 50 years ago - 1967 Fire commissioners voted to purchase a portion of the Idyllwild Inn...

Creature Corner: April 20, 2017

Last week in “Days of Our Nine Lives,” the cats learned of ARF’s new litter of puppies. Audrey: Has Bobbie been around to tell you...

Creature Corner: April 13, 2017

Last week in “Days of Our Nine Lives,” Sheba the dog joined the ARF family. Bobbie: They’re coming and they’re going! Whiskers: Who’s coming, where are...

Fashion Jack: Wives…

By Jack Clark Fashion Advisor Q.  My friend has attached a rather large photo of his wife to the dashboard of his car. He thinks it’s...

Past Tense: April 13, 2017

70 years ago - 1947  The U.S. Forest Service reported the insect situation had become critical in the Idyllwild area. Warm weather added another hatch...

Dr. Tom: A Healthcare Heuristic …

I am deviating from my plan to write more about the history of healthcare and the U.S. government because of Saturday’s Campaign for Guaranteed...

Chief Concerns: Understanding 911 & Emergency Reporting

Your pulse is fast, your hands are sweaty. You grab the phone and dial 911 because you need help NOW! Whether this is the worst...

A Healthy Idyllwild

Nothing in this article is meant to be medical advice. Please consult you own healthcare provider.  Some info below taken from:  Please, don’t turn...